DIVE Version 3:
Beta Test site
(for the RELEASEd version as a ZIP archive, please check:
DIVE Version 3 there)

    DIVE Version 3 Beta Test

  • For Windows 7 and higher we have here
  • versions for 64-Bit operating systems (D3_xx.exe)
  • for free and for free testing:
  • we would enjoy bug- and test-reports!

  • These versions are complete:
  • i.e.: "distributables" with all required DLLs for the graphics
  • you will find them in the table below in the line 1

  • the Ascii/TXT files are the N2 and Helium compartment matrixes
  • you will find them in the table below in line 2 --> 10
  • just for playing around a little bit with DIVE Version 3, there is:
  • a compartment matrix build according to Fibonacci's rule
  • another one according to J S Haldane
  • and there is the favicon.ico, the icon for the ALEPH
  • in the last line there is a simple SETUP.BAT for automated installation

    Date Size
    Checksum MD5: Version optimized for: update
    D3_11.exe 01.07.2024 2.203.136 F415C95A54466DEBFC07613524195E1A EN:
    07 / 2024

    Win11 (R)
    with new Intel (R) IFX 64 Bit
    FORTRAN compiler 2024.2.0

    07 / 2024
    D4_01.exe 05.05.2024 2.219.520 E177AF9EF0E3CC2928087AEDD79A5079

    more info in the Technical Report 2024_05:
    DIVE and Gradient Factors; a beta test of Dive Version 4 (05.05.2024)
    05 / 2024

    Intel(R) IFX 64 Bit FORTRAN compiler 2024.1.0
    Windows look&feel,
    GUI test

    05 / 2024
    650.TXT 10/2019 n.a. n.a.: N2 SAT-Matrix, modified J.W. - - - - - -
    ZH-L16A.TXT - n.a. n.a.: N2 Matrix after ZH-L 16A (theoretical) A.B. - - - - - -
    ZH-L12.TXT - n.a. n.a.: N2 Matrix for ZH-L 12 (1983) A.A.B. - - - - - -
    ZH-L12HE.TXT - n.a. n.a.: Helium-Matrix for ZH-L 12 (1983) A.A.B. - - - - - -
    DECO-BR.TXT - n.a. n.a.: N2 Matrix Deco-Brain® P2-2 (1985) Max Hahn - - - - - -
    ES-L16D.TXT 03/2022 n.a. n.a.: N2 Matrix linear DCIEM Simulation www.SMC-de.com - - - - - -
    N2COEFF.TXT 2016 n.a. n.a.: N2 coefficients matrix - - - - - - - - -
    HECOEFF.TXT 2016 n.a. n.a.: Helium coefficients matrix - - - - - - - - -
    FIBONACI.TXT 2016 n.a. n.a.: Fibonacci's compartment matrix - - - - - - - - -
    HALDANE.TXT 2016 n.a. n.a.: Haldane's compartment matrix - - - - - - - - -
    favicon.ico n.a. n.a. n.a.: the ALEPH Icon - - - - - -
    SETUP.BAT 2018 n.a. n.a.: SETUP BATCH File 1.0 - - - 2018


    date description: workaround / fix:
    - only: --- - --- -
    1 / 2024 V 3_10 &
    V 3_11
    11 / 2023
    ZH-L 16 HELIUM coefficient
    compartment #5 b-coefficient corrected!

    please download the topical *.EXE from the BETA site here!
    2 / 2024 V 3_10 &
    V 3_11
    03 / 2024
    Heat Map crashes!
    while at surface

    workaround: "HM" use only if D & T > 0.0 !
    FIXed: in D3_10, D3_11 per 01.07.2024
    & D4_01 per 05.05.2024

    update from: 01 / 2019

  • the graphics are put to the smallest common denominator:
  • VGA, 640 X 480, 16 COLOR
  • following is a list of the new features with a short description:

  • Hints:
  • if you get this or a similar error message::
  • " ...libifcoremd.dll is missing ..."
  • download and un-pack our zip-archive with DLLs from the DIVE 3.0 Beta Test-Site here;
  • and, for e.g., with Windows 7 store it under:
  • C:\Windows\System32\

  • the DLL Zip Archive: 64 Bit Version
    the MD5SUM = b0d9a83852a715c4e6da4439ff1a8e16

  • these archives are collections of various DLLs, which came with our new Intel® Fortran Compiler 16.0
  • resp. our new: Intel® Visual Fortran Composer XE 2016 SP1 - Windows* OS

  • both DLL archives include:
  • libifcoremd.dll
  • libifportmd.dll
  • libmmd.dll

  • DLLs:
  • if you want to know, which DLLs are used by the various DIVE versions:
  • go to Microsoft SYSINTERNALS page
  • and download the tool: Listdlls
  • save it, open it in a "cmd"-Box, for e.g. with: Listdlls > DLL.TXT
  • (DIVE must be up & running prior to that)
  • key in, for eg.: DLL.TXT, then the NOTEPAD opens with this particular text file,
  • then you could search: cntrl f, DIVE
  • or key in:
  • Listdlls | more

  • MD5 Tool:
  • sigcheck64.exe: as well from the sysinternals page

  • Sources / References:
    To update our "dusty decks" (the old DIVE software) we use basically:
  • Website of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
  • downloadable source code snippets
  • The Fortran 2003 Handbook The Complete Syntax, Features and Procedures
    Jeanne C. Adams, Walter S. Brainerd, Richard A. Hendrickson, Richard E. Maine, Jeanne T. Martin
    ISBN 978-1-4471-5942-1 Springer
  • Modern Fortran Explained
    Michael Metcalf, John Reid, Malcolm Cohen
    ISBN 978-0-19-960142-4 Oxford University Press

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